Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts, those past days have been pretty busy - spent celebrating with family and fr...

♕ #ProdottiPRO(va) 2016 ~ What Happened in the End? ♕ {feat. Miki in the Pinkland & A Lost Girl}

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts, those past days have been pretty busy - spent celebrating with family and friends, princess-ing around in my new princess dress (which you might have seen on my Instagram, if you follow me there). I have my Christmas look to post (and tonight's makeup too!) but it will be part of the 2017 agenda! 

Since this year is about to end, it's time to make some balances. And I'm going to do so with a very special post, in collaboration with two amazing ladies: Misato - A Lost Girl (loves make up!) and Miki - Miki In The Pinkland. Years ago Miki created a tag called "Prodotti PRO(va)", a nice pun that in English could be translated in "Products [I want to] try". This tag consist in listing all the products we want to try during the year; mind you, it's not a mere wishlist, but a well thought out list of products we are really willing to try during the year. At the end of the year, we like to make a sort of report, to see what happened. And that's what today's post is about! I'm going to review my 2016 list and tell you what I did try and what I didn't... And why. 
It's always so much fun, hope you'll enjoy it too! (Misato's post is here and Miki's here)


~ Face Cleanser ~ 

Aloe and Azulene Cleansing Gel ~ Fitocose: nope. I ended up never buying it, mostly because my local shop doesn't have it (or perhaps I'm just unlucky with their stocks XD). I bought another cleansing gel, which I'm loving, so I'm not sure whether this product will be or not in Prodotti PRO(va) 2017.

~ Face Cream ~ 

Normalizing Light Face Cream  ~ Bio Marina: haven't had the chance to buy it. But I'm still willing to try it, sooo... See ya in 2017 XD

~ Face Scrub ~ 


Brightening Cream Scrub ~ Bio Marina: same as above XD

~ Eye Cream ~ 

I said I would stick to my favourite eye cream (by Biofficina Toscana) and so I did!

~ Toner ~  


Refreshing Toner/Tonico Rinfrescante ~ Antos Cosmesi: skipped it. Mostly because I cut this brand out of my life - thanks to a not-so-funny joke about bloggers being creatures only interest in freebies. Ha-ha. A very unfortunate, sad joke in my opinion. I mean, we all know there are bloggers like that - it's unquestionable. But not all of us fit that description (thank goodness!), and I know plenty of honest blogger who doesn't deserve to be described as such by that joke. It's just unfair - and quite unprofessional of them, honestly. I simply couldn't get over it - and that's why I said goodbye to Antos Cosmesi. 

~ Face Serum ~ 

Still using the Balancing Facial Serum by Biofficina Toscana, as I expected at the beginning of the year! 

~ Face Mask ~ 

Nothing new. Still using the Pink Clay Mask by Cattier Paris - and, to be honest, I think I will stick to it quite a lot! (Why on Earth haven't I reviewed it yet?!)

~ Make Up Remover (Eyes) ~ 

As I anticipated, I found my holy grail make up remover for both face & eyes: the Micellar Solution by Biofficina Toscana is everything I need and I've repurchased three or four times during the year.

Make Up Remover (Face) ~ 

See above XD

~ Lip Balm ~ 

I ended up loving so so SO much the Hemp Coconut lip balm by Epic Blend, I used it all year round. Unfortunately it's still sold out here at my local shop, so I had to switch to another one... But I'm willing to go back to the Epic Blend one as soon as possible!! 

~ Lip Scrub ~ 

Nothing new as expected XD

~ Body Cream ~ 

Monoi Body Lotion ~ Eos Secondo Natura: skipped, this time because I haven't had the chance to buy it yet ç_ç 

~ Hand Cream ~ 

Nothing new, but I do have something to list for the 2017 edition! *___*

~ Foot Cream ~ 

Foot Cream ~ Antos Cosmesiskipped, see "Toner".

~ Shower Gel ~ 

Monoi Shower Gel ~ Eos Secondo Natura: same as the body lotion T_T *Sighs*

~ Body Scrub ~ 

Apricot Face & Body Exfoliating Scrub ~ Mater Natura: ahm... I totally forgot about this product D: Still willing to try it thoug! 

Dead Sea Salt Body Polish ~ Bio Marina: same as above - my local bio shop doesn't have this brand, that's why I tend to forget about their products ç_ç I'm just too used to go there and buy what I need... I'm not used to online shopping anymore, not when it comes to skincare stuff!

~ Deodorant ~ 

Deodorizing Lotion ~ Antos Cosmesiskipped, see "Toner".

~ Shampoo ~ 

I did stick for a while to the Restoring Organic Shampoo by EOS Secondo Natura - but after a while I went back to the Salvia e Limone (Sage & Lemon) one by La Saponaria. I guess I'll keep alternating them in the future, I love them both!

~ Conditioner ~ 

Once I was done with the samples I had, I went back to my beloved Protecting Volumizing Conditioner by Biofficina Toscana. I came to the conclusion that this is simply the perfect conditioner for my hair and my needs. At the beginning of the year I was curious to try something new - but at the moment I'll just stick to this one ♥

~ Hair Mask ~ 

Nothing new... But I do have something I hope to buy on 2017! 

~ Styling ~ 


~ Miscellaneous ~ 

~ Shaving Gel ~ 


Shea Butter Shaving Cream ~ Bio Marina: not yet. But I need it seriously as soon as possible! 

~ Antizanzare ~ 

After-biting Stick ~ La Saponariaskipped, because my mom got me an lenitive lotion that works very nicely - and I completely forgot about this stick ^^"

~ Sunscreen ~ 

On Summer 2015 I used and loved the Alga Maris Sunscreen Lotion - so I said I would stick to that. Unfortunately, it was sold out right before summer, so I had to buy another sunscreen (by Anthyllis)... Which I didn't like. 

Make Up Decorativo 

~ Face Primer ~ 

Nothing new, still loving the Matifying Primer by Couleur Caramel *_*

~ Foundation ~ 

Still using my (discontinued) mineral foundation, I haven't used up all my back up stock yet XD

~ Finishing Powder ~ 

Once again, nothing new. Still appreciating Too Faced's Primed & Poreless :D

~ Concealer ~ 

Skipped! I used up the one I had (from MAC Cosmetics) before buying a new one. See you in 2017 XD

~ Highlighter ~ 

I thought I would not buy any anew highlighter, but I actually ended up buying two shades - as soon as the Shade&Glow new line by NABLA Cosmetics was launched, back in May. Whoops XD

~ Blush ~ 

"I really hope NABLA will eventually launch some pressed blushes in the future" - this is what I wrote back in January and, gee, this wish of mine was granted *_* Along with the Shade&Glow line, NABLA launched also a pressed blush range... And I bought three of them ♥____♥ 

~ Bronzer / Sculpting Products ~ 

I didn't expect to buy any bronzer/sculpting powder - but, again, NABLA launched their Shade&Glow line back in May that featured both highlighters and sculpting shade... So I bought one, I had to XD

~ Lipstick(s) ~ 
Diva Crime Lipsticks in Cosmic Dancer ~ Nabla Cosmetics: skipped. I tried it on, and it didn't look bad... Very different from my usual style, but not bad at all. Anyway, I didn't feel the need to buy it, so I just preferred to give up for now. 
Meanwhile, NABLA launched new Diva Crimes... But I couldn't buy them for budget reasons T_T

Lipsticks ~ MAC Cosmetics: I managed to get one thanks to Back 2 MAC. Phew XD

~ Lipgloss ~ 

Lipgloss in Today, Coraline & Diamond ~ Nabla Cosmetics: nope, nope and nope. But I got Surf thanks to the dearest Foffy ♥

~ Lip Pencil ~ 


~ Mascara ~ 

Still in deep love with NABLA's Le Film Noir. I never ever stuck to a product that much I think, it's a record XD

~ Eye Primer ~ 

I finished Too Faced's Shadow Insurance and... Guess what? I repurchased it XD So, nothing new to mention. 

~ Eyeshadows / Pigments ~ 

Various Eyeshadows ~ Nabla Cosmetics: check, check, check XD I got, like, 15 new eyeshadows this year (perhaps even more, I lost the count XD). I definitely fulfilled my resolution here XDDD  

Various Pigments ~ Finis Terre: thanks to my beautiful sister Mari I had the chance to try two pigments. One from the mineral-add range (in "Lilac") and one from the normal mineral range ("Nibiru"). I had very positive impressions, now I'm looking forward to get more during 2017! (I still wish they had a smaller jar option, though!)

~ Cream Eyeshadows ~ 

Créme Shadow in Aurora, Husky ~ Nabla Cosmetics: nope and nope. But I got the whole Potion Paradise Collection that features 6 brand-new shades sooo... I still managed to try new shades *_*

~ Glitter ~ 

Sadly, nothing new. AGAIN.
Gosh, I really need to find some glitters -___-

~ Palette ~ 

Naked 3 ~ Urban Decay: got it *_____* And I love it tenderly ♥ I don't use it as frequently as I expected, but it's great when I need to get ready very quickly. 

~ Eyeliner ~ 

Eyeliner Gel 77 ~ Inglot: completely forgot it D: I just went back to my handmade eyeliner (aka pigment + Fix Plus) and I ended up forgetting I listed it. A-ehm...

~ Eye Pencil ~ 

Nothing new. I am utterly in love with Feline by MAC Cosmetics, I honestly think I'll keep purchasing it forever and ever.
Regarding coloured eye pencil... Nothing. Hey NABLA, what about coloured eye pencils?? #subliminalmessages XD

~ Eyebrow ~ 

Eyebrow in Strut ~ MAC Cosmetics: got it and utterly loved ♥ Perfect shade that matches nicely my red hair. Highly recommended!

Brow Divine ~ Nabla Cosmetics: I got sent the whole Brow Divine range when NABLA launched their new Brow Pot eyebrow gel. Unfortunately, no one fits my hair shade ç_ç

~ Nail Polish ~

Fiji ~ Essie: skipped. Sadly D: Will be in 2017 list for sure!

Varie & Eventuali 

~ Brushes ~

Individual Brushes ~ Spectrum Collections: nope - just because I was lucky enough to get sent a couple of their new brush sets *___* Sooner or later I will buy some of their individuals too, anyway. I just adore their brushes ♥____♥


Rose Golden Complete Eye Set ~ Zoeva: skipped. I preferred to invest in a handful of MAC brushes instead.

~ Accessories ~ 

False Lashes & Eye Lash Curler check and nope. I did try a couple of MAC lashes (l-o-v-e them. I want them all!) but I didn't buy the curler. Honestly, I ended up not feeling the need of an eyelash curler, that why I gave up.

~ Extra ~ 
(Source: Amazon)

Brush Tree: check! And I'm so glad I bought it - it makes brush drying sooo easier! I'll probably buy one more, because I have lots of brushes and one is not enough XD I highly recommend to get one, keep an eye on Amazon - they're frequently on sale!

That's all! What about you?
If you replied to our tag at the beginning of the year, please do your report too!
We'd love to know how your 2016 was!

Sending you tons of love! Happy new year, may the 2017 be the best year ever! ♥

Mermaid kisses and starfish wishes ♥

0 nhận xét:

Winter is just begun, which means it's  Most Played time! To be more precise, it's time I show you my Autumn most used products! Mu...

♕ Autumn 2016 Most Played ♕

Winter is just begun, which means it's Most Played time! To be more precise, it's time I show you my Autumn most used products!
Must say, I don't have a huge bunch of products to show you - I didn't buy anything new in terms of skincare, so this post is going to be pretty short I guess. And quite mono-thematic, since is all makeup stuff. 

As you can see, all these products are by MAC Cosmetics and NABLA Cosmetics, mainly the latter. 
Let's start with the eyeshadows, the pressed ones (guess what, all by NABLA). I gathered the ones I used the most during autumn in a Liberty Twelve and here's the full list (from top to bottom row, left to right):
- Frozen: after one year I still think it is the perfect silver eyeshadow I could wish for. Seems like metal, for real. It's stunning used wet as eyeliner! 
- Cleo: one of my favourite shadows from the Mermaid Collection. So gold, so bright *_* Perfect in every season, but especially fitting for autumn looks!
- Eternity: bright blue, still one of my favourite eyeshadows ever...
- Baltic:...along with is darker brother, Baltic. Which is so deep and intense that is a must to add depth in every blue-toned look.
- Calypso*: my favourite eyeshadow from the Mermaid Collection (on a tie with the next one). It's Super-Bright texture is the best ever, we need more and more shadows with this texture!
- Selfish*: it's unreal how much I love it. It's so sparkly, breathtaking. The kind of groundbreaking shade I tend to expect from NABLA. 
- Babylon: long-time favourite, a must have for every green/teal-toned look. (And you can tell I use Baltic and Babylon a lot, since I've hit pan on them!)
- Under Pressure*: lovely mermaid shade! A deep teal, like the depths of the sea *_* 
- Sensuelle*: my most loved highlighting colour for my inner corners, since day 1. So delicate but filled with tons of sparkles, so far it's my favourite from the Celestial range - along with Selfish.
- Antique White: thanks to the reflection on the pan you can't see the huuuge hole XD It was the first eyeshadow I hit pan on. I always use it on my brow bones - it's just the perfect shade.  
- Narciso: same as above, except that it is my favourite and most used transition shade ♥
- Mimesis: last but not least, the shade that solve problems like Mr. Wolfe XD

(In case you're wondering, I left out the newest shades from the Goldust Collection since they're, well, new XD I'm sure they'll be in the Winter Most Played though! ;D)

In terms of cream eyeshadows, I had the chance to try the Potion Paradise Collection (by NABLA, again) and Morning Glory, Petite Mélodie and Rea are the ones I used way the most. 
Morning Glory* is a nice eye base alternative to my usual eyeprimer (Shadow Insurance by Too Faced). I was worried it could interfere with the blending process, but it doesn't: blending is as easy as always. I'm very happy with it and I used it a LOT as eyeprimer.
Petite Mélodie* is my favourite in terms of colour but my least favourite in terms of application. I used it a lot, trying to figure out the proper way to apply it... Which, to me, seems to be by using a flat brush, building up the product very patiently. Not impossible, just hard and very time-consuming.
Rea*: I used it a lot as eyeliner. L-O-V-E it, seriously ♥

Lastly, I used non-stop the Brow Pot in Mars* - still not the most fitting shade for a redhead (unless you have auburn hair, and I don't)... And that's a huge shame because the more I use this product, the more I love it. 

Moving to face powders, leaving aside all the usual stuff (i.e. mineral foundation, finishing powder...). My most used blush is Impulse, from the Blossom Blush range by NABLA; my most used highlighter was Baby Glow and my most used sculpting shade was Gotham - both from the Shade & Glow range

Last but not least: lipsticks! That's where MAC comes in. Across the Universe was my most played NABLA Diva Crime, but I also used a lot two shades from MAC: one is the only Viva Glam I currently own, the Miley Cyrus I. The other has been my obsession lately, I got it in my last Back2MAC and I'm sooo happy with my choice: Chatterbox is so pretty! 80% of the time I would use it, with every look. 

That's it for my not-reallyexciting and very short autumn most played! 
What products did you use the most during the past season?

Disclaimer: i prodotti contrassegnati dall'asterisco mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo dall'azienda / Starred products are press samples, sent by respective brands for me to test and review.

0 nhận xét:

I finally - finally - get to show you my favourite look I made during 2016! I kept postponing it, for months and months - but now, since the...

♕ Curved Liner Make Up ♕ {My Favourite Make Up Look of 2016}

I finally - finally - get to show you my favourite look I made during 2016! I kept postponing it, for months and months - but now, since the year is almost over, is definitely time to write a blog post about it!

It's a remake of a look by @swayzemorgan on Instagram (check her out, this lady is seriously skilled!): I kept the black and white curved liner design, but changed the colour combination of the look (hers featured pinks and purple shades). I love this look to the point that I decided to put it on the blog's home page, on the author's widget (as you probably already noticed!) ♥

To be honest, when I decided to give this look a try I thought it would ended up being a total mess XD It was my first attempt at this particular curved shape, plus I have a different eye shape compared to Swayze's. And what about the inner corner round detail? I always struggle with inner corner details - I don't even know why.

That's why I decided to go for a very-me, comfortable colour combination. I chose to use all aquas, teals and deep green instead of the original pinks and purples... That really helped: I can use those shades blindly, so I could totally focus on the curved liner. (I also wanted it to be a mermaid version of the original one sooo... it was 100% meant to be like this, willing or not XD)

I started off with the gradient on the lid. I applied the eyeprimer and the all the eyeshadows. On the inner corner I applied Zoe, followed by my beloved Atmosphere on the lid, then on the outer corner and crease I applied a mix of Babylon and Under Pressure. I spent a lot of time on the transitions, as I needed them to be flawless. On the outer corner, contrary to what I usually do, I didn't do any blending - I roughly drew a C shape, because I knew I had to draw the curved liner later on. I applied a gentle touch of Fossil as transition shade, but it's barely noticeable.

Now the crazy part XD Please note: I used two pigments (one black, one white, both matte) wet with Fix + in order to use them as eyeliner. I'll refer to them as eyeliner, but please remember that they're not, technically XD
First of all, I applied the black eyeliner as I usually do - from the inner to the outer corner, but didn't winged it out. Then, I drew the white line on the outer corner (it worked as a guide line too for the main black curve). After that, veeery carefully, I drew the black curve. I'm not gonna lie: it took a lot of time. It took forever actually XD Especially the thin part on the crease. I kept going back and forth between the two liners, fixing here and there, adding some colours, perfecting everything. But it was totally worth it.

When I was done with the upper line, I started working on the lower lid and the inner corner detail. The lid part was quite easy: I applied my holy-grail eyepencil aka Feline on both waterliner and lashline, then smudged it. I applied that black pigment (dry, this time) to set the pencil and also to achieve a really really black shade. I blended it out using Fossil, again.

The inner corner detail was tricky. I had to avoid blinking for quite a while - and, you know, when you try not to blink your eyes starts watering. Not good. But I managed to draw the round shape with any major damage XD The I filled up the empty shape with the white liner (again, trying not to blink until it dried - otherwise the white would have gone everywhere XD).

And then... I was miraculously done! *_* I completed the look with false lashes, mascara and by defining my eyebrows.

So this is my most loved makeup look of 2016! It was extremely challenging but also 100% worth the effort *__* 
It holds (and always will) a place of honor in my heart - plus, the graphic liner and the mermaid-y shades make it so representative of me and my style. Thus I gave it the place of honor in my blog ♥

NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Zoe(inner corner)
NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Atmosphere(upper lid)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Babylon" (crease, outer corner)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Under Pressure"* (crease, outer corner)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Fossil(transition colour)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Antique White" (brow bone)
Jade Minerals Mineral Eyeshadow in "Black" (used wet as eyeliner*discontinued*
Neve Cosmetics Mineral Eyeshadow in "White Bunny" (used wet as eyeliner*discontinued*
- MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil in "Feline
- NABLA Cosmetics "Le Film Noir" Mascara
MAC Cosmetics False Eyelashes n° 34


- MAC Eyebrows in "Strut"


- 239 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 217 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 213 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 224 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 2x Large Fluffy Shader (A06) ~ Spectrum Collections (Glam Clam, Siren Set)
- Fluffy Pencil (A12)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- Glossy Liner Neve Cosmetics *discontinued*
- 2x Lip Liner (A15)* ~ Spectrum Collections (BombShell Set, Siren Set)
- Eyeliner (old version) ~ Spectrum Collections (Glam Clam)

I hope you like this look as much as I do! *_*
What's your favourite look you made in 2016?

*Disclaimer: i prodotti contrassegnati dall'asterisco mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo dall'azienda / Starred products are press samples, sent by respective brands for me to test and review.

0 nhận xét:

I'm really excited about the look I'm going to show you today! It features my favourite piece of the Goldust Collection by NABLA Co...

♕ Fairy Queen Make Up ♕{Feat. Nabla Cosmetics ~ Goldust Collection}

I'm really excited about the look I'm going to show you today! It features my favourite piece of the Goldust Collection by NABLA Cosmetics aka the Dazzle Liner in Klimt. Since I first saw it, I knew I had to do a look just for it, focused on it, to show and enhance its beauty.

Even thought I didn't have any particular inspiration, I realized this look gives a lot of fairy vibes - with all the tiny dots and swirls. The more I look at it, the more it makes me feel like a Fairy Queen - if I were a fairy queen, I would wear this makeup look every single day... Hence the title ;D

After the first test run look (here), where I managed to use all the Goldust products I bought, I decided to do the Klimt focused makeup I was dreaming of since day 1.

At the very beginning, I thought I would go for nude lids, barely contoured - to make the gold liner stand out - but, on a second thought, I decided to apply an eyeshadow that could get along with the liner. So I chose Danae, my second favourite product from this collection - and my favourite eyeshadow so far. It has a bronze base and it's filled with gold glitters - in one word, perfect for this looks.
(Needless to say, all the products used for this look are by NABLA Cosmetics, unless where stated. Check the full products list for further details!)

First thing first, I applied the Crème Shadow in Morning Glory all over the lid as eyeprimer (I really, really like to use it as eye base lately). I applied Glasswork on the inner corner (still disappointed by its colourless base) and Danae all over the lid, outer corner and crease included. I added some depth by using Unrestricted on the outer corner & crease - just a subtle touch, as I didn't want the look to be really intense...
I used Narciso as transition shade, to create the most evanescent blending ever; on my brown bone I used - guess what? - Antique White.

Done that, the most exciting part: time to use Klimt *_____*
First of all, I drew the classic winged line, with a sharp edge on the inner corner. Then I got creative and traced swirls here and there, in a fairy-like pattern, and then I placed some dots on both inner and outer corner. The result is amazing, thanks to Klimt's unique duochrome colour: it changes from gold to pinkish to red, depending on the angle and how the light hits it. Seriously amazing, the fact that this liner is limited edition is unforgivable.

I completed the look with the usual drill: black eyepencil on the waterline and lashline, false lashes, mascara and brows.

That'is it! Pretty simple, as you can see - Klimt is the key product here, does half of the job on its own, effortlessly. I can't stress enough how perfect its shade is - but also its texture, not too liquid nor too dense. I wore it for hours, like the whole day, and it lasted, stayed in place without fading or tearing off. The little brush that comes with it's perfect for my taste and skills - very thin, flexible and precise. It allowed me to easily draw lines, swirls and dots, and I mean easily. 100% happy with it and 100% sad that it isn't permanent ç_ç
Why, NABLA, why?

Danae, on the other hand, it's the perfect companion for Klimt here - not too dark, not too light, very bright and shiny - yet it doesn't overwhelm the liner. Way better that plain nude lids, in my opinion ;D

NABLA Cosmetics Crème Shadow in "Morning Glory"* (as eye base)
NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Glasswork(inner corner)
NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Danae(upper and lower lid, crease, outer corner)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Unrestricted(crease)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Narciso(transition colour)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Antique White" (brow bone)
NABLA Cosmetics Dazzle Liner in "Klimt"
- MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil in "Feline
- NABLA Cosmetics "Le Film Noir" Mascara
MAC Cosmetics False Eyelashes n° 34


- NABLA Cosmetics Brow Pot in "Mars"*


- 239 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 217 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 224 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- Large Fluffy Shader (A06) ~ Spectrum Collections (Siren Set)
- Short Smudge (A13)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- Fluffy Pencil (A12)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- 2x Lip Liner (A15)* ~ Spectrum Collections (BombShell Set, Siren Set)

I hope you like this look!
Have you purchased Klimt already? Please tell you have XD
If you haven't... RUN! Go get it!!

*Disclaimer: i prodotti contrassegnati dall'asterisco mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo dall'azienda / Starred products are press samples, sent by respective brands for me to test and review.

0 nhận xét:

Today I'm going to show you the first makeup look I made a couple of days ago to try the new shades from NABLA's Goldust Collection ...

♕ Goldust MakeUp #1: Soft Shades & Gold Liner ♕{Feat. Nabla Cosmetics ~ Goldust Collection}

Today I'm going to show you the first makeup look I made a couple of days ago to try the new shades from NABLA's Goldust Collection (here's my haul post!). I used all the four shadows I bought (Luna, Snowberry, Glasswork, Danae) plus the gold Dazzle Liner - which is my new love and main focus of this look. 

That day I had really little spare time, so I just grabbed my new products and made a very easy peasy look. I kept it very soft because the shades I purchased are all very natural (except Danae which is a little stronger) and also because I wanted the gold eyeliner, Klimt, to be the key product, the main focus of the look. (Yes it was love at first sight and yes, it's my favourite product of the entire collection so far)

I started off by applying my eye base (this time I went back to Too Faced's Shadow Insurance), then I applied Glasswork on my inner corner - to be honest I didn't anticipate it to be so... Colourless. Its hazelnut base simply vanished, once applied D: I tried to layer it a bit, unsuccessfully. It reminds me (way to much) of Water Dream - which also has almost no base colour, and is full of glitters.
I applied Luna all over the lid, followed by Snowberry on my crease and outer corner. Narciso and Antique White are, as always, the transition colour and brow bone shade respectively.
Luna and Snowberry make a nice colour combination, very natural and wearable - they give me Naked 3 vibes - but also a little flat for my taste. That's were the gold liner comes in!

I applied Klimt as I would do with any other eyeliner: I drew a pretty thick line (because I knew I wanted to apply the black liner below, also) and I got really excited to see how easy it is to apply. I love its teeny tiny brush, its fluid and perfectly pigmented formula - and of course its shade, so unique.
I drew the black line right below the gold one, keeping it thin - as I didn't want it to cover/overwhelm the main gold line.

We're almost done - I applied Danae on the lower lid (spoiler: it is my favourite shadow from this collection), then completed the look by applying eye kohl, false lashes and mascara.

So here's the first look I made to try out the new colours from the Goldust Collection! Some behaved as I was expecting (Luna, Snowberry), others surprised me a lot (Danae), while other let me down a bit (Glasswork). The Dazzle Liner in Klimt is definitely the jewel in the crown of this collection - I'm already planning to buy a backup, since it's a limited edition. 
Overall I liked this look - a little too plain for my taste, but it was easy and quick to make, and very wearable, I'll give it that... But I can't wait to show you the look I did next, which is waaay more exciting :p

NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Glasswork(inner corner)
NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Luna"* (upper and lower lid)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Snowberry" (crease, outer corner, lower lid)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Narciso(transition colour)
- NABLA Cosmetics Eyeshadow in "Antique White" (brow bone)
NABLA Cosmetics Dazzle Eyeliner in "Klimt"
- MAC Kohl Power Eye Pencil in "Feline
- NABLA Cosmetics "Le Film Noir" Mascara
MAC Cosmetics False Eyelashes n° 34


- NABLA Cosmetics Brow Pot in "Mars"*


- 239 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 217 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- 224 ~ MAC Cosmetics
- Large Fluffy Shader (A06) ~ Spectrum Collections (Siren Set)
- Short Smudge (A13)* ~ Spectrum Collections (Marbleous Set)
- London Detail Neve Cosmetics *discontinued*
- Glossy Liner Neve Cosmetics *discontinued*

Hope you like this look!
What's your favourite Goldust eyeshadow so far? And your less favourite?

*Disclaimer: i prodotti contrassegnati dall'asterisco mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo dall'azienda / Starred products are press samples, sent by respective brands for me to test and review.

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